Don’t Miss These 4 Early Signs of Breast Cancer


One of the most common cancer types among women is breast cancer. Hence, it is important to look out for warning signs of breast cancer. Mostly, women above the age of 40 are at a higher risk of breast cancer. Experts suggest them to get timely checkups. However, women below the age of 40 can get breast cancer as well. Mentioned below are a few early signs of breast cancer by experts at Frank Ross that will help you to understand:

1. A lump on your Breast: One of the early signs of breast cancer is a lump on the breast. If you notice any lump on your breast, there is a high chance that a tumour has formed inside. In some cases, it can be a cyst that can turn into a tumour over time. Either way, you should not waste time and consult an expert as soon as possible.

In some cases, a lump under your armpit can indicate breast cancer as well. You can examine yourself by feeling your breast in a circular motion while standing straight with one hand by your side and using the other to examine. Use the right hand to examine your left breast and the left hand to examine your right breast. You can do the same while lying down as well.

2. Discharge from the nipple: If you ever notice that either one of your nipples or both of them is/are discharging blood, pus, or any liquid, you must consult a doctor immediately. It can be a sign of breast cancer if you are not pregnant or producing milk.

3. Retraction of the nipple: Regular nipples point outwards. If you notice the nipple is retracting or getting in, it can be a sign of breast cancer. This symptom can be found in both men and women.

4. Changes in skin texture: If you have breast cancer, you will notice some changes on the skin around your breast and nipple. The skin around that area will slowly start getting reddish and flaky. In some cases, you might feel pain and itch around that area as well. Many women also complain that the skin around the breast is getting thicker. If you encounter any of these issues, contact a doctor immediately.

All these signs are early symptoms of breast cancer but there can be other underlying reasons as well. To ensure your safety, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible. If it can be diagnosed at an early stage, it can be treated easily. Also, the cost of treatment is much cheaper compared to the cost of treatment at an advanced stage.

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