Myths about Diabetes You Should Know


Diabetes is a very common health condition that people suffer from across the world. Over time, many misconceptions and myths associated with diabetes surfaced. It is crucial that you do not fall for these myths and misconceptions and get proper treatment. Always consult an expert if you manifest any of the symptoms. Although diabetes-related information is available widely over the internet, you must not believe everything. Mentioned below are a few common myths about diabetes that you should not believe:


01: Eating sugar is completely prohibited

One of the most common myths associated with diabetes is that people with this condition should completely avoid eating sugar. This is not entirely true. Experts suggest patients maintain a balanced diet and include the standard amount of sugar. However, eating too much sugar should be avoided.

02: Type 2 diabetes is not serious

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body cannot use insulin properly, leading to an abnormality in blood sugar levels. Many people reckon that type 2 diabetes is not a serious condition and you can take it casually. You must always remember that diabetes is never mild. If you choose to ignore your health condition even if you have type 2 diabetes, you may face life-threatening complications in the future. On the other hand, managing and controlling diabetes properly will surely decrease the chances of any risk or complication.

03: Diabetes is only common among fat people

Although it is a very common belief that only overweight people get diabetes, it is actually not true at all. Althugh 85% of diabetic patients across the world are overweight, around 15% with type 2 diabetes have a normal weight or are underweight. Hence, just because you are not overweight, does not mean you cannot get diabetes. This is why you should always maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay fit.

04: Blindness and amputation are unavoidable

Blindness and amputations are a huge possibility for patients with diabetes. However, they are avoidable. If diabetic patients can maintain their blood pressure, glucose, and weight, there is a high chance that they might not face any complications. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking proper precautions, any diabetic patient can lead a regular life. Make sure to get timely check-ups.

05: Diabetes is a contagious disease

Diabetes is not a contagious disease. Hence, you cannot catch diabetes from anyone. This disease cannot be passed on through touch, via blood, or by sneezing. Mostly, obesity and an inactive lifestyle lead to diabetes. You must stay fit and live a healthy life to avoid diabetes.


Diabetes is a serious health condition and should never be ignored. However, proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle can help any diabetic patient to lead a normal life. Make sure that you consult an expert and follow the instructions properly.

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