How to Avoid Diabetes


Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disease that is responsible for high blood sugar. Normally, sugar from your blood is moved to your cells by the hormone insulin to be stored or used for energy. With diabetes, an individual’s body either doesn’t make enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it does make.

  • Reduction of Overall Carb Intake –

If you are trying to make dietary changes in order to prevent diabetes, it is important to consider both the quality and quantity of your carb intake. Your body automatically breaks down carbs into smaller sugar molecules which subsequently get absorbed into your bloodstream resulting in high blood sugar which in turn stimulates the production of insulin in your pancreas. People in the prediabetes stage have a strong resistance to insulin being absorbed in the cells, hence, their blood sugar remains high. In order to compensate, the pancreas goes on to make more insulin in an attempt to bring the blood sugar level down. In the long run, this loop can lead to increased blood sugar and insulin level until the condition turns into type 2 diabetes. Research links frequently added sugar or refined carb intake with the risk of being affected by diabetes as refined carbs stimulate the release of insulin. Therefore, it is advised to manage your overall carb intake and replace food items with carbs that are high in fiber in order to stay protected against diabetes.

  • Regular Exercise –

Being involved in physical activity on a regular basis can help you prevent diabetes. Individuals with prediabetes often have reduced insulin sensitivity in which case your pancreas has to make more insulin to get sugar out of your blood and into cells. Exercise increases your cell’s insulin sensitivity, hence, one would need less insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. Research shows that aerobic exercise, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and strength training are proven to reduce insulin resistance.

  • Reduce Excess Weight –

 Obese body or excess weight can exponentially increase the risk of type 2 diabetes especially if it us visceral car concerning excess weight around your abdominal organs. Losing a small amount of your excess weight such as 5-7% may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes if you’re obese or have prediabetes. Research shows that regular exercise, proper balanced diet and weight loss interventions can significantly reduce your risk by 40% to 47% in the long run.

  • Overall Lifestyle Changes –

Sedentary behaviors such as being involved in little to no exercise, sitting back or lazing around during most of the day, and not giving up smoking can significantly increase your chances of being affected by Diabetes. A carefully curated high-fiber diet is a must as fiber is beneficial for gut health and weight management. Studies in people with aged obese women and Prediabetic patients show that high fiber intake helps in keeping the blood sugar and insulin levels low. Minimizing your intake of highly processed food is non-negotiable as they are not inherently healthy and contain added sugar which is detrimental in nature to a person who has chances of being affected by diabetes.

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