Dos and Don’ts of Baby Skin Care: How to Take Good Care of Your New Born


When one thinks about a newly-born, terms like “soft”, “smooth” and “cute” comes to mind. But in reality, a baby’s skin is just the opposite. It is dry, at times flaky and extremely sensitive. Several skin conditions, like rashes, milia, and infantile acne are common among the little angels. Parents should be really careful about the products they use to treat a baby’s skin. Not all consumer products are good for newborns and may even lead to allergic reactions.

Hence, while shopping for skin care products for your newborn, keep the following instructions in mind:

First, let us turn to the dos of baby skin care:

  • Use warm water – While giving a bath to your baby, use lukewarm water. Check the temperature of the bath before you treat your baby to it.
  • Change diapers frequently – Many parents commit the mistake of keeping diapers on for long durations. One should always change the diapers frequently so that it doesn’t lead to rashes and cause discomfort for the infant. Wipe your baby well while changing diapers and see that there is not an ounce of moisture on his/her skin before putting on the new one.
  • Moisturise your baby – The infant’s skin is inherently dry. Moisturise often to prevent itching and excessive dryness. Invest in a good-quality, minimum-side-effect moisturiser that will keep your baby’s skin healthy and glowing always.
  • Regular massages – Massages are quite beneficial for the baby, as they help keep the skin soft and supple. A few minutes of massage while applying moisturiser is also acceptable. Use slow, circular motions to massage your baby’s skin and do not be in a rush.

Don’ts of infant skincare

  • Exposure to direct sunlight – Do not expose your infant’s skin to direct sunlight. Use a sunscreen recommended by the paediatrician or one with at least an SPF of 30. Put your infant in loosely-fitted cotton clothes before taking him/her outside. You can also use a hat to protect your baby’s face from sun exposure.
  • Avoid scented products – Certain baby wipes and diapers may be scented to keep foul odours at bay. But do not use those, as they may contain harmful chemicals. The non-scented options are relatively harmless.
  • Tight diapers – Do not choose tight diapers for your baby, as those may lead to itchiness or redness of the skin. Find the right size diaper for your infant, as it will be more comfortable for the little one.
  • Bathing every day – Do not bathe your baby every day, as it is not required and may cause further dryness of the skin. Keep the bath times twice or thrice a week only.

Being a parent is anything but easy. It is full of challenges and discoveries made through trial and error. But often, our errors can cause discomfort for the baby, which is not something that we desire. If you are a bit careful and aware of the basic conditions for infant skin care, you will see that your baby is living a healthy and comfortable, happy life. And that’s all that a parent wants, right?



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