Easy Ways To Stay Active And Healthy In This Summer Heat

Summer Heat

Surely, you do have an idea of what we are talking about. Yes, it is this extreme heat that is making everyone crazy since mid-April. People are finding it difficult to even pursue their daily activities, let alone do something extra. And it will be the same for a while, according to the weather experts. So, what can we do? Can we just shut down and hibernate and let the heat pass? No, we can’t do that. Moreover, cases are rising again in India due to the new COVID-19 Omicron variant XBB 1.16. Although there is nothing to worry about, wearing masks in crowded places may be the best option to prevent getting the infection.


Given the circumstances, it is important to take extra care of your health. You know you can’t just close up and stay in your air-conditioned rooms till the rain arrives. So here’s a guideline to be active in this extreme summer heat without compromising your health.


Fluid burst

Give your body lots and lots of fluids. Drink water, glucose water and all sorts of healthy fluids, like health drinks, fresh juices, etc., to stay hydrated at all times. Do not forget to carry your water bottle when you go outside for work or other purposes. And yeah, keep sipping fluid when you are outside in the sun for a long time. It will prevent dehydration and help you stay active longer.


Avoid too much caffeine

Caffeine is said to increase body temperature by constricting the blood vessels, which results in more sweat and discomfort. Even smoking does that. So this summer, make it a point to cut down on the cups of coffee/tea per day and also reduce smoking (if you do). Have coconut water, fresh lime juice and lemon water instead. If you want to have tea, go for the green variety.


Don’t forget to sunscreen

Extreme heat not only has a detrimental effect on your health but also on your skin. Apply a good-quality sunscreen lotion on the exposed parts of your body before bracing the sun. And just put on those shades when you are in the sun.


Have light meals         

Avoid spicy and oily food for the time, as it can increase your body heat this summer. Include fresh veggies in your meals and have lots of fruits, whenever you feel hungry. Summer fruits, like watermelon, litchi, grapes, etc. can help lower body temperature and offer comfort from within. You should say goodbye to your pizzas and pancakes for a while, at least till the rain arrives.


As you may already know, this kind of weather is a somewhat “happy hour” for disease-causing pathogens. So, it will be a wise idea to stack up some essential medical stuff, like medicines for fever and cold, general antibiotics for diarrhoea, medicines for nausea and vomiting, nasal drops for blocked noses, cold presses, etc. If you do not have these, it is better to go med shopping soon.


Stay protected and keep the show on!

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