5 Best Healthy Refreshing Summer Drinks

summer drinks

The summer season is here and the rising temperatures can make you feel exhausted, sweaty, and untidy. During this heat-scorching summer, dehydration is a common problem in India. Drinking water is not the only solution to fight dehydration. There are plenty of traditional drinks that can keep you hydrated and healthy. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 best healthy refreshing summer drinks for you.

Top 5 Healthy Refreshing Summer Drinks to Keep Your Body Cool

1. Lemon mint lemonade

Lemonade is one of the best summer drinks to stay hydrated. It is water-based so it keeps your body hydrated during the hot summer days. Rich in vitamin C, lemonade boosts the immune system and protects against summer illnesses.

2. Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice is a top choice for summer drinks. It provides instant refreshment with its juicy goodness and natural sweetness. With a water content of up to 92%, it helps you stay hydrated effectively. Each sip helps beat the heat. This makes watermelon juice great for staying cool and refreshed.

3. Coconut water

Coconut water is a natural, electrolyte-rich drink available across India. This summer drink is packed with nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, making it a great alternative to artificial energy drinks. Coconut water contains natural sugars and five main electrolytes that balance fluid levels in your body.

4. Lassi

Lassi has been a favorite summer drinks for generations, enjoyed by people of all ages. This creamy, smooth yogurt-based drink from North India keeps you full and refreshed. It’s incredibly delicious, making it hard to stop at just one sip. More than just a drink, lassi offers moments of happiness during the intense heat of summer.

5. Sattu Sharbat

Sattu Sharbat, a popular summer drink from Bihar, India, is made by mixing roasted gram flour (sattu) with water, lemon juice, cumin, and salt. This delicious healthy drink is packed with fiber, protein, and essential vitamins, sattu is both invigorating and nutritious. In the scorching heat, a glass of sattu not only cools you down but also revitalizes your energy levels. Discover this simple yet unique drink and enjoy its health benefits all summer long.

Summing up

Staying hydrated and cool during summer is essential, and several healthy drinks can help. The five best options include coconut water, watermelon juice, lemonade, lassi, and sattu sharbat. These beverages not only keep you refreshed and hydrated but also provide essential nutrients and electrolytes. To prevent dehydration from fluid loss, it’s important to drink plenty of hydrating summer drinks.

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