How To Normalize High Blood Pressure?


You might be gravely worried about your health if you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a risk factor for more than just heart disease. High blood pressure poses deadly health issues like aneurysms, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, optic nerve damage, and other complications like chest pain, pregnancy complications, and so on. A healthy lifestyle is crucial for keeping your numbers down. A healthy approach might help to keep a check on your blood pressure.

  1. Lose extra pounds

The risk of being affected by high blood pressure is directly proportional to weight. Extra pounds can cause disrupted breathing resulting in sleep apnea which further increases the risk of high blood pressure. Losing a small amount of weight can significantly reduce your blood pressure.

  1. Exercise regularly

Being involved in physical activities including yoga and exercise for at least 150 minutes a week can lower your blood pressure significantly. It is of utmost importance to be consistent with exercise because if you stop exercising, your blood pressure can rise again. If one has high blood pressure, it is advised to exercise daily to avoid developing hypertension. Aerobic exercise, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing can help you keep your high blood pressure in check.

  1. Healthy diet

A healthy diet that is rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products is the key to balanced blood pressure. Some tips to follow:

  • Keep a food journal – Note down what you are eating for a week and monitor how much you eat. You will be surprised to see what controlling your food habits can do to your physique and overall health.
  • Be a smart shopper – It is advised to read food labels while shopping as it might help you stick to your plan of eating healthy.
  1. Quit smoking

Each cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for several minutes after you finish. Giving up on smoking helps your blood pressure return to normal, decrease your heart disease risk, and improve your overall health. People who quit smoking may live longer than people who never quit.

  1. Limit your alcohol intake

Cutting down the number of drinks can dramatically improve your health. Drinking more than a moderate amount of alcohol can raise your blood pressure and also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure and medications. Generally limiting one or two drinks daily can lower blood pressure by 4mm Hg.

  1. Cut back caffeine

The long-term effects of excessive caffeine intake on blood pressure are not clear and most debatable but immediate consumption of caffeine can raise blood pressure by up to 10 mm Hg in people who rarely consume it. Surprisingly, people who drink coffee regularly experience little to no effect on their blood pressure.

Supportive friends and family can significantly help you improve your health. The encouragement that you receive will encourage you to take care of yourself, improve your lifestyle, book your doctor’s appointment or go to an exercise program.

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