Essential Things to Keep in Mind While Monitoring Your Glucose Levels

Monitoring Glucose Levels

Monitoring your blood glucose levels regularly is an effective way to control and manage
Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. You can easily detect the effects of a changed diet or a workout
regime and see what works best for your health. Besides, you can also understand which
foods have what kind of effect on your blood sugar level and control the intake of certain
substances. In other words, regular monitoring will help you choose a healthy lifestyle with
minimum threats.
These days, you can buy an industry-standard glucometer (blood sugar monitoring device) to
manage and control diabetes at home. However, there are certain things that you should keep
in mind while using a glucometer as follows:
 Keep the glucometer in a clean place. Do not let dirt or dust accumulate on it.
 After removing a test strip from the strip container, make sure that you close the lid
immediately. The strips may get damaged on exposure to moisture for a long.
 Wash your hands properly before using the glucometer. Use soap and water to remove
any dirt or food residue from the surface of your skin. However, refrain from using
alcohol for cleaning and disinfecting, as it dries the skin a lot.
 Use the lancet to prick your finger and squeeze a single drop f blood from the cut to
put on the edge of the test strip.
 The reading will appear after a few seconds. Note it down and keep a track of all the
readings that you take regularly to detect a pattern. It will be better if you can note
down even the changes in lifestyle or food habits to create a better understanding of
the readings.
 Dispose of the lancet and the strip properly after each use.
Note: Even if you can share your glucometer with other family members or friends, do not,
we repeat, do NOT share the lancet with them. It may increase the chances of diseases that
are transferred by blood.
How to choose the best glucometer?
Before buying monitoring devices online for the first time, you should check out the
following tips to get the best product. Not all glucometers are the same, and more advanced
meters with special features are available these days. If you know what you are looking for,
you can end up with a high-quality product without burning a hole in your pocket. Here’s

 Ease of use – Pick a glucometer that is easy to use, as you will be using it regularly.
User errors may result in inaccurate readings, so make sure you are comfortable using
the device you are buying.
 Availability of test strips – Not all test strips are for all glucometers. Before buying
the device, check if its strips are readily available in the market.
 Size of display – If you have poor eyesight, you might want a meter with a bigger
 Extra features – What extra features does the glucometer you are planning to buy
offer? If you can get hold of some special features in the same price range, why not go
Lastly, you should consult your physician once before buying a monitoring device for home
use. The doctor’s experience and knowledge of available devices and their brands will help
you make the best choice.

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