Nasal Congestion: Effective Remedies To Unclog Your Nose


So you have a cold and your nose feels stuffed up?

Besides being uncomfortable, clogged noses can result in breathing difficulties and even cause insomnia (as the mouth gets dry due to constant breathing). We suffer from this problem mostly when we have a cold, cough or fever. Sometimes, other infections, like sinuses, flu and allergies, may also lead to nasal congestion. But what causes it? Let us explain.

Nasal congestion is mainly caused due to inflamed membranes lining the nasal passages that create irritation and discomfort. These membranes tend to flush out mucous, containing allergens that are responsible for the root infection.

How to get rid of this feeling?
Now that you know what causes a clogged nose, you must be dying to learn ways of getting rid of it, right? Well, here you are. The following remedies may be useful:

Drain your nose daily
Get a Neti pot. It is nothing but a container that can be used to push out mucous and other fluids and cleanse your nasal passages. It looks similar to a mini teapot, and you can get it both at a local medical store or online. Make a saline solution by mixing warm, distilled water, little baking soda (a pinch only) and some salt. Rinse your nose with the solution 2-3 times a day using the Neti pot. In a week, you will start feeling much better.

If you have never used the Neti pot or are wondering how follow these steps:

● Take the solution inside the pot
● Walk over to the sink
● Put the sprout of the pot in one nostril
● Tilt the pot a bit to let the solution enter your nasal passage

You will see that the water entering your nostril will come out of the other, cleansing your nasal passage in the process. Repeat it twice a day to get rid of the clogged nose.

Use steam
Steam is said to be immensely effective for treating a blocked nose, as it thins the mucous and helps in easy draining. Take some boiling water in a large bowl and cover your head with a towel, as you lean towards the bowl, breathing all the steam in slowly through your nose. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times regularly to get relief faster.

Warm compress
Warm anything can provide relief by soothing inflammations. Do one thing. Soak a towel in warm water and squeeze it dry. Place it on your face, covering your nose and forehead and let it be for some time. After a few minutes, you will notice that your nose feels less clogged, as the mucous gets thinner, making it easier for you to drain it.

Using decongestants
It is one of the most effective and fastest ways to get rid of a stuffy nose, as many are available over the counter in local drugstores. These are available in the form of sprays and pills. While the sprays are almost harmless and come with negligible side effects, it is best to consult your physician once before taking any pill. Taking any decongestant for 3 consecutive days without a doctor’s approval is not recommended though.

Some of these are also available over the counter, i.e. without a doctor’s prescription. If you are sure that your nasal congestion is a result of an allergic reaction, antihistamines can help treat it. A combination of decongestants and antihistamines can get rid of nasal blockage effectively, but it is best to consult your physician before using this treatment. Also, some antihistamines may lead to drowsiness or even nausea.

The home remedies are harmless but may take some time to show effective results. However, if you think that using a nasal spray or taking antihistamines can help you get rid of the problem faster, just check in with your doctor once and get the right medicine right away.

Stay healthy and be at ease always!

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